The AC line storage and transport cylinders for liquefied gas represent import components of the Auguste Cryogenics product portfolio. These pressure vessels are manufactured by Auguste Cryogenics in Košice, Slovakia. The trusted products have been successfully operating throughout Europe and all over the world for decades.
The inner and outer vessel are constructed of top grade stainless steel. The ultra-low evaporation rates are ensured by a special super insulation and the Auguste Cryogenics GOLD standard vacuum technology.
Of course all cylinders in the Auguste Cryogenics AC line of liquid cylinders comply with the European Directive 2010/35/EU for transportable pressure equipment (TPED), making them flexible and valuable elements in the liquefied gases supply chain in various industrial, medical, research and food production applications.
The Auguste Cryogenics AC line liquid cylinders are transportable units, designed and built to rugged construction standards that are intended to be carried full. They are engineered for either low-pressure applications of cryogenic filling and liquid dispensing or high-pressure gas distribution. All units feature quick and easy liquid withdrawal.
The road-transportable cylinders are also available equipped with an automatic pressure-building circuit. There is also an integrated economizer circuit that helps reduce and control overflow gas consumption. This is designed in order to help conserve gas during low demand periods and build up pressure quickly for peak demand.
The Auguste Cryogenic AC liquid cylinders series is the industry standard for gas liquid cylinder performance and features Auguste Cryogenics’ GOLD standard vacuum technology.