This site was developed for the needs of Auguste Cryogenics. Browsing of this internet site is without any limitations. Auguste Cryogenics s.r.o. is responsible for the contents and structure found on its sites, but is not responsible for the content and structure of the pages to which it refers, and which are not its property.
Auguste Cryogenics s.r.o. reserves the right to modify the contents and structure of those sites and to modify those general provisions.
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All personal data are acquired in Auguste Cryogenics s.r.o. from the site users with their approval, use them only for the purpose for which they were acquired (contact, demand, questions and answers) and the company handles them in accordance with the law on personal data protection.
Cookie Policy
Like most websites we use small data files that we store on your computer – those famous cookies.
What are cookies?
When you visit a website, a small text file called cookie may be saved on your computer or mobile device site. By these cookies the website stores information about your actions and preferences over a period of time. This saves you from having to re-enter that information every time you come back to the site or browse from page to page.
How do we use cookies?
We use cookies to store analytical data such as user set-up, user origin and user identity. We collect this data to optimize and personalize user experience, remember users’ actions, analyze traffic information, improve multichannel communication and necessary functions of the website.
On some places, we use so called “permanent cookies”. These data help us identify groups of our customers. So called Third party cookies ( via Google Analytics) are used for analyzing traffic information.
All cookies are controlled by our website. Cookies can be accessed also by third party application (eg. Google Analytics).
Cookies will contain only identification numbers of visitors. User profile will be stored in website application. Personal data are not mandatory. Possible personal data (if any at all) are provided only to our employees – so called entitled persons based on our orders and in compliance with our personal data protection rules and other relevant measures related to privacy and security.
Traffic information such as IP adress, location, date and time of visits, activity on page will be stored in third party application Google Analytics based on cookie identification.
How to control cookies
You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – for details, see You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some services and functionalities may not work.